I really enjoy
Ali Edwards blog, and I read it every day. Yesterday her topic was "Life Lists"...have you done one?? A life list is a list of things you want/must to do in this lifetime, and the intent is to cross the items off one-by-one. She got the inspiration from a friend who said:
"After I created my life list, something magical happened. I actually started DOING things on the list. And friends offered to help me cross items off my list. And friends began to create and share their own lists with me. And reading their lists made me want to help them. And despite my lack of love for to-do lists, I've grown to love these lists."
So what do you want to do in this lifetime? Think big. Or small. Start slow, or let it flow. I challenge you to DO what you want to do with your precious life.
So....I took the challenge and started my list (seems kind of corny, but I thought "why not...what have I got to lose?") So....here goes!! These things are in no particular order....just jotted them down as they popped into my head!! I'm hoping others will make and share their life list, too!!
Help Jon, Sarah and Landen move to the northwest
Go to an
Il Divo concert
Take our grandchildren to Disney World
Go on a “sister’s get-away” someplace fun with Jean
Visit New York City
Have a
condo in Phoenix
Sell our present house and build a new house
Go to the Oprah show
Take a trip to
Tuscany with Jim
Exercise EVERY day
Learn to play golf
Invite people to dinner more often
Go to more movies
Clean out my closet and drawers and give away anything I don’t wear
Go to Maui again...and again...and again
Stop worrying about things out of my control
Organize all my photos
Find my “perfect’ haircut
Go to visit my friend Linda Hartzell in Texas
Stay in
The Venetian again in Las Vegas
Help Jon and Sarah make the move closer to us (listing it twice might help it happen!! :0)
Get new bedding for our guest rooms
Have our master bedroom closet done by
California Closets De-clutter all my drawers and cabinets
See some Broadway plays in New York City
Floss every day
Host a wine tasting party
Plan a family vacation with Jeff, Jamie and Jon and their families
Organize...really organize, my scrapbook room
Spend more quality time with Jim
Learn how to use all the settings on my camera
Barry Manilow in concert
Catch up on the “yearly” scrapbooks for my grandchildren
Spend lots of the winter in a
warmer climate Take Jamie, Bridget and Sarah on a “girl’s weekend shopping trip”
Get new bedroom furniture
Find the perfect wreath for our front door
Finish my Book of Me including autobiography
Find the BEST wireless internet connection
Eat less chocolate
Spend more time on the deck
Teach our friends to play
EuchereThink only "positive" thoughts
I'm still thinking.....this list will be edited and grow longer!!