....is where we spent the weekend! Jim's Dad built this cabin (honestly, with his two hands)!! We don't get there very often because it is a 5 1/2 hour drive from our home, but we decided it was time to trek to the wilderness in the central part of the state for a weekend...and, to check out the cabin. Jim has such fond memories of the cabin, he "lived" there in the summers for many, many years. It it very charming, as little cabins go!!

Turning off the "main" highway for the
L O N G curvy road to Warm Lake (it seems more like "126" miles!

OK, so I lied..there is this
one straight stretch in the whole 26 miles!! :0)

We wound "round and round" and "up and over" a very tall mountain!!! Then, we came to an area that was destroyed by a wild fire two years ago. The devastation was surreal---it felt like we were in a Will Smith movie scene!! :0(

YIPEE, we finally arrived...

We did have indoor plumbing....this is from the "olden days" when Jim was little!! :0) Poor kid!!

We took two long walks while we were there....so much incredibly beautiful scenery, and SO quiet, it really "refreshes and recharges" the soul!!

We don't go back often, but we do need to get there with the grandchildren!! So much to explore, they will LOVE it!!
**One footnote, the very first evening we were there we broke the TV!!! :0( Now, I'm sure you're thinking "Why in the world would you watch TV when you are in the woods to commune with nature??" Well, just let me tell you, when it gets dark, it is VERY dark (and quiet) and a little TV just makes it feel a little more like home, (plus we have "Dish Network" so we feel obligated to use it since we are paying for it!!) The television and video player (VHS) is all in one machine...we put in the tape, "The Red Violen," settle down with a glass of wine...ready for a nice, quiet evening. Well, the tape gets stuck, the TV won't work, and BOOM---we do, indeed, get our nice, QUIET evening!! :0)